Franchise Business Consultant

Specialist franchise and business consultanct

Specialists in franchise and business consultancy, combine hands-on experience with established business practices, to provide practical, realistic business advice and support in the fields of Franchising and Business Development.

Franchise Consultancy - Franchising a Business Internationally
- Franchise Services

The team at Business Options has over ten years experience within the Franchising sector, domestically and internationally, both as Franchise consultants and as actual Franchisors. Our experience reflects our wealth of experience in a variety of different business sectors.

Business Options offer a full range of services to businesses considering International expansion covering the five Phases of franchising a business:

Phase One – International Franchise Feasibility Study
Phase Two – International Franchise Infrastructure Development
Phase Three – International Franchisee Recruitment
Phase Four – International Franchise Support
Phase Five – International Franchise Exit Planning

Franchise International Services

The services offered within these five phases include:

Undertaking the initial International franchise feasibility study; International territory mapping by target country; developing the systems and processes required to support an International franchise network; the International franchise legal agreements; creating International franchise Operations Manual; developing an International franchisee recruitment strategies including master/regional and local franchisees; organizing International fact finding missions; working with International Tarde Organisations and British Embassies; producing International franchisee recruitment material including International franchise brochure, application forms and detailed information packs; managing the International franchisee recruitment process including handling franchise enquiries and franchisee interviewing; developing franchisee training programmes; providing ongoing support to franchisors once they are up and running; recruiting qualified franchise support staff; organizing International franchisee network meetings and conferences; translating materials; and accessing finance schemes to help international expansion.

Business Options “Flexible Service Package” allows our clients to be free to choose which areas of franchising they do and do not want us to be involved in. This ensures you only pay for the services you want.

Our “Fixed Fee Service” means you know exactly what you will be paying and will only pay for our work once. This ensures your business keeps the profits.

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