Franchise Business Consultant

Specialist franchise and business consultanct

Specialists in franchise and business consultancy, combine hands-on experience with established business practices, to provide practical, realistic business advice and support in the fields of Franchising and Business Development.

Franchise Consultancy - Support for Existing Franchisors
- Franchise Introduction

Many franchisors invest the necessary time and money to set up their franchise properly at the outset, but either struggle recruiting franchisees or have difficulty getting the best out of their franchise network. 

A successful franchise network not only generates a healthy revenue stream for the franchisor but is critical for future franchisee recruitment. A network of struggling or disgruntled franchisees will be very off putting to prospective franchisees. In addition unhappy franchisees require far greater time, effort and money to manage than contented successful franchisees.

Business Options can help franchisors identify which areas need to be addressed and implement strategies so that they can maximise the true potential of their franchise network. We can also review franchisors recruitment material and strategy to ensure that it is a more compelling offer than the competition and provides the best opportunity to recruit additional franchisees.

“Professional franchise support and advice once a franchise is up and running can make the difference between franchising being a quick, inexpensive and successful national expansion model and franchising being a costly, resource intensive burden to a business.”

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