Franchise Business Consultant

Specialist franchise and business consultanct

Specialists in franchise and business consultancy, combine hands-on experience with established business practices, to provide practical, realistic business advice and support in the fields of Franchising and Business Development.

Franchise Consultancy - Survey and Statistics
- Franchise Awareness and Preference Survey

Research on public opinion of franchising reveals that the public would prefer to buy goods and services from a franchised business over a non-franchised business. The research, conducted by independent research house BDRC on behalf of the British Franchise Association (bfa), polled a representative sample of 1235 UK residents aged between 18-55. Respondents were asked about their preferences for purchasing goods or services from a franchise versus a non-franchise with the results highlighting a distinct favouritism towards franchised businesses. The majority - a massive 45% - said that they would first try out a franchise over a non-franchise whilst only 23% prefer to use a non-franchised brand.

Respondents identified a number of benefits which they feel that franchises have brought to them, explaining this newly identified consumer trend. They are follows:-

• 69% felt that they benefit from the local business which is backed by a national brand/organisation
• 66% said they know exactly what they are getting in products and service
• 64% said they felt the service is more likely provided at an agreed and consistent standard
• 60% said that prices are more competitive (possibly due to the ability to bulk buy)
• 55% said they like to know that they are keeping money in the local business community
• 54% said they feel more valued as a customer
• 53% said they receive better service because they deal with the owner.

A copy of the full survey report can be obrtained by selecting the report image below:

bfa Franchise Awareness and Preference Survey

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